Here are my results from yesterday's Southern California Camillia Society show. I've now completed the Intermediate class ready to show with everyone else. Really excited to get on the table with variety "Drama Girl" / Tray of 3. It's hard enough to show one camillia (judges want perfection, symmetry, form, color, fresh stamens, typical of the variety, etc, all somewhat the same criteria to rose judging). However to show a tray of 3 is really, really hard. The variety Drama Girl is one so very close to my heart, now growing in the backyard. I won't go into the the similarity of the name "Drama Girl" to me personally (ha-ha). With very large showy blooms, 6-8 inches in diameter (depending on our weather), striking salmon pink color with bright yellow stamens, delicate in substance was one of my parent's favorite camillia varieties.
Drama Girl |
Drama Girl / Tray of 3 |
Both my parents and my Mom's parents (The Bernharts) were crazy about camillias, probably more so than roses as all 80 + bushes (some now trees over 25 feet tall) were planted around the property between 1950-1960. These Old-Timers are not really shown much and it's fun to bring them back to a show for others to enjoy.
Elegans |
Kumasaka |
Camillia blooming season is short ( Nov-March) and each variety blooms differently either early, mid or late in their season. Camillias are super easy to grow, they like shade or sun, in pots or in the ground. They fill the gap when rose blooms are slowing down Nov/Dec. Then in January, rose pruning and planting awaiting first rose blooms in late March, early April. Great to live in Sunny Southern California with flowers blooming all-year around!